Smitham Remote Learning Expectations 2021
Staff Expectations for Live lessons:
- Staff will ensure that anything in the background of their screen is child-friendly and supports the ethos of the school; a blank background is preferable (e.g. no inappropriate posters/wall art)
- Staff will ensure that the children have received the school expectations prior to the Live session
- Staff will send the Live invitation out the day before
- Staff will alert the school DSL of any safeguarding concerns immediately following the session (concerns may be over the child or another family member)
- Another member of school staff may be present for the Live session
- Staff will conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times and will be dressed appropriately
- The lead teacher will ‘close’ the Live session 5 minutes after the session begins to ensure that no one else can access the session
Pupil Expectations for Live lessons:
- Pupils will have read these school expectations prior to the Live session
- Pupils will be dressed appropriately
- Pupils will use a neutral background – no virtual ones
- Pupils will keep their microphone on mute unless directed by the teacher
- Pupils will access the lesson at the designated time
- Pupils will continue to follow the Smitham Smart rules when they are Live; anyone who does not follow these rules will be ejected from the virtual room and a member of Senior Leadership will be alerted along with the parents
- Pupils will use appropriate language during the live session
- Pupils will not take pictures or videos of the Live sessions
Pupil Expectations for remote learning:
- Pupils will follow the school requirements about how/when they are to upload/post learning to the platform
- Pupils will follow Smitham Smart rules during the time on the online platform
- Pupils will use the ‘Blow the Whistle’ button to report if they feel unsafe
- Pupils will not expect a response from their teacher during a holiday or weekend
- Pupils will use appropriate language during Remote Learning
Parental Expectations during remote/live learning:
- Parents will support their child with the login process
- Parents will ensure their child completes all of the remote learning during the school day (this may be in paper form) and upload examples of this daily to the platform, to be viewed by the teacher
- Parents will discuss the learning with their child
- Parents will ensure their child views the teacher’s comments/marking and responds where necessary
- Parents will ensure that their child’s platform is logged out when it is not being used – particularly if an older sibling is using the same device
- Parents will ensure their child logs on promptly to any live sessions.
- Parents will ensure than no one takes photos or video recordings of the online platform or the live lessons
- Parents should settle their child and then leave them to participate in the live session independently.
- Parents are aware that staff are expected to report any safeguarding issues that are identified during the Live sessions
- If a child’s login is not working, parents will follow the procedures listed below before they contact the school:
- Check the Wifi is working
- Refresh the page
- Clear the browsing history then refresh the page
- Ensure Caps Lock is not accidentally triggered
- Leave the system for a few minutes before retrying
- Ensure that another sibling’s login is not saved on the login page
- Ensure they are logging on with their child’s login not their own