Mental Well-being
Supporting the well-being of our children and staff is of paramount importance at Smitham.
How do we promote well-being through our curriculum?
We place a great emphasis on the teaching of well-being. Our staff follow the 2020 RSE curriculum intentions and use a mix of resources from the 'PSHE Association' and '1decisions' to help us deliver the curriculum. We deliver a weekly session to the children giving parents advance notice of the topics being covered, through the weekly Year Group Newsletter.
Other ways we support good mental health
- The class teacher is the first point of contact for children who need support with their wellbeing.
- If we feel that a pupil requires further help, then they will be put onto a Well-being Pathway. The support for those on a Well-being Pathway can look very different from one child to the next and may be delivered by the following members of school staff:
- Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) - timetabled to support children across the school;
- Learning Mentor - supports children in the classroom; out on the playground or through group interventions.
Other support in school:
- Zones of Regulation is an initiative we use to help our pupils to self-regulate.
- A member of our Senior Leadership team is trained in Mental Health First Aid.
- Pupil Well-being Magazine - created by a group of children. Please see the PDF documents at the bottom of the page.
- 3 trained Forest School Leaders currently deliver the Forest School programme across KS2. These sessions encourage the 5 ways to wellbeing: Stay Active, Learn, Give, Connect and Notice (
Please see a larger version of our Wellbeing Pyramid in the documents at the bottom of the page, for further information of the support we offer our pupils.