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The Governors

Structure of our governing body:

2 x Staff Governor (this includes the Headteacher)

3 x Co-opted Govenor

1 x Local Authority Governor

3 x Parent Governor

Members of the Governing Body Governors Responsibilities  Date Appointed Term Ends

Simon Smith –  Co-opted Chair of Governors 

Safeguarding, Attendance and Wellbeing  07/07/2020 June 2028

Charlotte Groom  – Headteacher

Matt Robertson - Elected Parent Governor Sport  19/3/2022 19/3/2026

Fiona Hodkinson – Co-opted – appointed by Governing Body

SEN and Inclusion  13/7/2019 13/7/2027

Louise Wood – Elected Parent Governor

Behaviour  19/3/2022 19/3/2026

Derrick Jones – Local Authority Appointed Governor

Health & Safety and Pupil Premium  10/2/2018 10/2/2026
Katie Harrison – Elected Staff Governor   21/09/2023 21/09/2027
Valene Palmer  – Elected Parent Governor Greater Depth  16/01/2025 16/01/2029

Kieran Pettman –  Co-opted – appointed by Governing Body

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development  22/03/2019 22/03/2023
Governors who have left       
Bridget Warren - Elected Staff Governor      Left July 2023
Jo Barcock - Elected Parent Governor    15/11/2020 Left - November 2024

Copies of the minutes, from the governing body meetings, can be requested from the school office


We want to hear from you. If you would like to give feedback or simply want to raise an issue with the Governors, please feel free write to us or contact us via the school office.


Simon Smith – Chair of Governors

Charlotte Groom – Headteacher



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