Drop-off and the School Day
Drop-off Service
Drop-off facility: 8:20am to 8:35am.
In order to further support families and to ease congestion, we offer a morning drop-off service. This is run by staff. Children from Reception upwards can make use of this facility.
Cars are allowed to enter our car park from 8:20 and pull-up in the designated ‘drop-off’ area. Once the car has stopped, a member of staff will open the door and allow your child to exit the car. Children in Y3 - Y6 then walk to the playground independently.
Any children in Reception or Y1 are met by a Y6 Drop-off Buddy and escorted to a waiting area just inside our Oaks Building. Those children will stay there, with a member of staff, until the classroom doors open and they will then be walked to their classrooms internally.
Y2 children will also go from the drop off area to the Oaks building, before being escorted round to the playground where they will be supervised by our teachers until their classroom doors open.
Once the child has exited the vehicle, parents must drive around the end of our car park and carefully drive out the school gates. (Please note that this area has a speed limit of 10 mph.)
Parents are allowed to use this service between the time of 8:20 and 8:35 only. There is no parking available for parents inside the car park. Staff are not allowed to reach into or enter vehicles. Please ensure that your child has all their belongings to hand and is ready to exit the vehicle immediately and independently.
We advise parents of Reception children to make use of this service once their child has been in school for a few weeks and they are more familiar with the routines around arriving at school.
The School Day
Arrival Time
All gates will open at 8.30am. Please enter via the following gates:
Gate 1:1C and Yrs 2-6
Gate 2 (Main gate): RS, RA, 1H & 1J
Gate 3 – Nursery and RH
Children in Yrs 2-6 will go to the main playground or wait with their parents near the classroom doors. Children in Yrs N, R & 1 will wait with their parents near the class doors. Classroom doors will open at 8.35am and close promptly at 8.45am, when learning will start. Any child arriving after this time must go to the school office.
Break and Lunch
Playtime for Y1 to Y6 is staggered between 10am-10.30 am each day.
Lunchtimes are as follows;
Reception: 11.30am - 12.45pm
Yrs 1 - 2: 12.00pm - 1.15pm
Yrs 3 - 6: 12.00pm - 1.05pm
There is no afternoon break.
Timings for the end of the day
To ease congestion with parents and children around the site, there are new collection times:
Nursery: 3pm
Reception, Yrs 1 & 2: 3.05pm
Yrs 3 – 6: 3.10pm
Gates 2 & 3 will open at 2.58pm for Nursery parents ONLY; parents with children in 1H & 1J access through Gate 2 at 3pm. Gate 1 will open at 3pm for all other parents of children in Yrs 1C, 2, 3 & 6.
Please make your way to the doorways by your child’s class if in Years 1-3, or at the top of the playground if in Yr 6. Yr 6 children, who are not being met, will be walked to the front of the building by their teacher.
Parents of children in Yr 4 & 5 will enter the school using Gate 3 at 3.08pm. Yr 4 parents wait between Gate 3 and the Oaks building. Year 5 parents are to meet their children at the eback of the school. The children will be brought out and dismissed by the teacher.
When children are dismissed from school they are expected to leave the site and go straight home – unless, of course, they are involved in an after-school activity. Please phone ahead if you are likely to be late so we can then let your child know and save them from worrying unnecessarily. Persistent lateness at the end of the day makes children feel insecure and impacts on the smooth running of the school, so please try and avoid this at all costs. Any parents arriving after 3.20pm will need to collect their child from The Oaks Building (Afterschool Club) and will be charged for this extra care.